PIE into CTE Car, Light Goods, Taxi, Heavy Goods, Very Heavy Goods, Big and Small Buses ERP Rates For Weekdays and Weekends

Latest update on 11 May 2024

Weekdays Cars / Light Goods / Taxi
07:00 – 07:30$0.00
07:30 – 07:35$1.00
07:35 – 08:00$2.00
08:00 – 08:05$3.00
08:05 – 08:30$4.00
08:30 – 08:35$4.50
08:35 – 08:55$5.00
08:55 – 09:00$4.50
09:00 – 09:25$4.00
09:25 – 09:30$3.50
09:30 – 09:55$3.00
09:55 – 10:00$1.50
10:00 – 22:30$0.00
Weekends Car / Light Goods / Taxi
Not in Operation
Weekdays Heavy Goods and Small Buses
07:00 – 07:30$0.00
07:30 – 07:35$1.50
07:35 – 08:00$3.00
08:00 – 08:05$4.50
08:05 – 08:30$6.00
08:30 – 08:35$6.75
08:35 – 08:55$7.50
08:55 – 09:00$6.75
09:00 – 09:25$6.00
09:25 – 09:30$5.25
09:30 – 09:55$4.50
09:55 – 10:00$2.25
10:00 – 22:30$0.00
Weekends Heavy Goods and Small Buses
Not in Operation
Weekdays Very Heavy Goods and Big Buses
07:00 – 07:30$0.00
07:30 – 07:35$2.00
07:35 – 08:00$4.00
08:00 – 08:05$6.00
08:05 – 08:30$8.00
08:30 – 08:35$9.00
08:35 – 08:55$10.00
08:55 – 09:00$9.00
09:00 – 09:25$8.00
09:25 – 09:30$7.00
09:30 – 09:55$6.00
09:55 – 10:00$3.00
10:00 – 22:30$0.00
Weekends Very Heavy Goods and Big Buses
Not in Operation